Steve Rolston RMT and Paula Trowsdale RMT of Physio In Motion working with two medical residents at the McMaster Univerity Medical Program Wellness Day.
Today we all have busy lives and demanding schedules and it’s difficult to make time to look after ourselves. This is especially true medical residents in the 10 post graduate medicine programs at McMaster University. With demanding full time plus workloads on top of learning and teaching responsibilities, home and family responsibilities and so much more this next generation of Ontario physicians has little time to take care of themselves. At Physio In Motion we appreciate their efforts and were pleased to have the opportunity to attend their annual Wellness Day and provide some free services for this deserving group.
The event was held at the Art Gallery of Hamilton, a beautiful facility in downtown Hamilton (If you haven’t been to the AGH it is worth a look). Steve Rolston and Paula Trowsdale, both Hamilton registered massage therapists with Physio In Motion, provided free mini massage treatments while Hamilton physiotherapist Samantha McCaffrey lead a small acupuncture workshop that included discussion about this effective treatment modality and the opportunity to experience acupuncture.
Thank you to the organizers for including Physio In Motion in your Wellness Day!