What is a Stroke?

Strokes are a leading cause of death and adult disability in North America.  A stroke occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off.  If brain cells are deprived of oxygen they begin to die.  A stroke can result in the permanent loss of movement, speech and cognitive functions such as memory.

What is a TIA?

TIA is an acronym for Transient Ischemic Attack.  A TIA is often called a mini-stroke and they can be a warning that a larger stroke is imminent.  TIAs occur when a small blood clot briefly blocks an artery in the brain.  A TIA doesn’t result in permanent damage to brain cells.

Signs of a Stroke

If you suspect a stroke call 911 immediately.  The signs of a stroke include:

  • Face – Is it drooping?
  • Arms – Can you raise both?
  • Speech – is it slurred of jumbled
  • Time to call 911 right away

Physiotherapy After a Stroke

The recovery following a stroke ranges from partial to complete.  Part of the recovery occurs naturally and spontaneously.  The balance of your recovery will take some time and effort.  Physiotherapy after a stroke helps you relearn motor skills and other abilities as the damaged areas of the brain adapts.